Carta de suport

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Carta de suport

Hem conegut el cas den Zaden, que ha tingut un accident de cotxe molt greu i no sap si podrà tornar a caminar. Hem escrit una carta de suport per animarli a que es recuperes

Dear, Zaden

We are Erika, Jean Pierre and Adrian. We are students from Barcelona, Spain and we are writing this letter because we want to cheer you up.

Do not be discouraged, you have to be strong. Remember that you have people who support and love you. Never forget to smile, because you will carry on. You do not have to be sad and confused. We are sure that you will walk again. Never give up! 

We hope that you get better soon. 

Lots of love, 

Erika, Jean Pierre and Adrian. 

Web creada a mano por Barbería Barbarella  |  Recortada en 2018
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